2022 Piston Pusher Events
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Facebook page managed by Drew Finucane & Larry Hussey
Photos by Ray Smith & Brian Moore
Club Letter January 2022
Hope this letter finds everyone well, looks like a few things are going to be opening again, however let’s not let our guard down just yet, we still need to be cognisant of some of the possible health hazards still out there.
I haven’t heard of any illness within the club lately, I do know there has been some Covid-19 issues among some members, however everyone or most have had the second and third needles, that has meant that those that were affected had little or know symptoms, so grateful to hear this.
February is the month of love, Valentines Day is on the fourteenth, no need to get me flowers or candies, my waistline has expanded enough, share your happy and cheerful thoughts with those around you. The Groundhog is out and about, he did see his shadow, but I didn’t believe him, I went outside today, I saw my shadow and I swear I didn’t realize how big I was, so I went back into the house and closed the blinds for another six weeks. Maybe we should move to Manitoulin Island, their little rodent didn’t see his shadow so spring comes early up there.
We did have a Roll by January 23rd for one of the friends of the club John Taylor he turned 80 this year, he was very surprised and shocked, we had about 25+ cars show up obviously they were our regular cars, but it was the thought that counts, and John wanted me to pass along his gratitude to the club.
We have a request from someone for the use of a 20’s\30’s Plymouth or Hudson for an upcoming wedding with a Speak Easy Theme call 905 332 4024
Whenever we can get back to our club meetings, we are still looking for some individuals to put their names in the hat for Vice President, guys just give it some thought, I personally as others I followed, find it very gratifying, to be a major part of such an old and well thought of club.
I want to take this time as well to send well wishes to Denny Jacob as he is moving back to Quebec to be closer to his aging mother and family, many thanks Denny and your son for your dedication to the club and keeping everyone up to date on the old car forum and helping keep the Facebook and the Webb up to date.
Ron Morley and his Social Committee are actively working on the club calendar of events for 2022 even through there remains the uncertainty of what we can or cannot do, having planning ahead will ensure we are prepared for the summer ahead of us, whatever that might be so please, if you have any suggestions, we want to hear them. Also, if you are aware of any event cancellations outside of our club, we would also appreciate having a heads up on those.
I am keeping a close watch on the Polish Hall and in continuous conversations with them, looking for any opportunity we might have to resume our club meetings, I will keep everyone in the loop.
We have all as a club done an excellent job of keeping the (Food Bank) in our thoughts, great job everyone please continue to support this activity, Ron and Rhonda will be making their pick-up run Feb 9th.
For now, that’s all I have so please stay safe, stay Healthy and keep thinking SUMMER, SUMMER, SUMMER.
Regards Brian Bowerman (Your Club President)
February 2022 month end letter
Gentlemen again as always, I hope all is well, this is just an information letter looking forward to what’s planned for our club meetings, of course everyone of us has the same thoughts in mind as to what are we going to do as things can open as of Mar 1st. The Polish Hall is opening, and we can have a meeting. Obviously trying to put a meeting together for the first Wednesday of the month is too soon to reach everyone, the executive feel we are going to plan a meeting for Wednesday the 9th of March. This meeting will not be like our regular meeting but more of a meet and greet and information session with a very short agenda to look at where and what we are doing going forward, such as looking at some long awaited prospective members as well as some gentlemen that are hoping to become members. We still must replace our Vice Presidents position so we need to put our thinking caps on as to who might step up to the challenge, we will not be deciding who that will be at this meeting, this will not be a voting night but as I mentioned more of an information night. We are asking that if you have any future possibilities for members, please invite them to this meet and greet meeting, so you can introduce them to our club. We have no idea how many members will attend so if you could please drop me a line or pass this along to any other members you may speak with to get the word out.
The Polish Hall still do not have cooks in place, so we decided to serve up pizza at no expense to members, your club is going to pick up the tab. Normally the Polish Hall would charge for the rental of the hall if meals are not purchased, but since we are long time patrons and supporters of the hall and they are not able to supply us with meals they are waving the hall fees, they will however have the bar opening and ready to serve us. At this point in time, I have been informed mask wearing, while not eating or drinking is their rule so, please lets please respect that.
The Executive are looking forward to meeting and seeing everyone on March 9th. (COME ON OUT)
Shop Talk Saturday @ Nick Schira's
Saturday, March 26th
Photos By Ray Smith
Shop Talk Saturday @ Ken Breau's
Saturday, May 14th
Photos by Ray Smith & Brian Moore
Heading 1
Canadian Military Heritage Museum Combat & Classics Show
May 23rd
Photos by Brian Moore
Piston Pusher Criuse to Chatham Retrofest
May 27th & 28th
Photos by Ray Smith
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Piston Pusher Club Expositor Article
Friday, June 17th
The Piston Pushers car club -- based in Brantford, Ontario -- was established in 1954 and boasts about 125 members including (left to right) Ron and Rhonda Morley, president Brian Bowerman, Ric Usher, Pat Giles,
Murray Smith and John Harris. The club has supported the Brantford Food Bank for many years, donating
1,416 pounds of food and $2,695 in 2021. on Tuesday May 10, 2022 in Brantford, Ontario.
Members of the Piston Pushers car club have been sharing their passion for cars since 1954. But that’s not all members of the Brantford-based club share.
Ric Usher, chair of the club’s social committee, said members have supported the Brantford food bank for the last eight or nine years, bringing food and cash donations to monthly meetings. But the pandemic threw a wrench into that practice. So, for the past two years, members Ron and Rhonda Morley would make monthly visits to the homes of members to pick up donations, Usher said.
“Last year, the club gathered 1,416 pounds of food and $2,695.”
Amanda Bjarnason, communications and fundraising co-ordinator for the food bank, praised the club’s efforts. “Especially over COVID, we really saw the community step up,” she said. “Groups, like the Piston Pushers, kept moving forward and adapted, and that was really incredible.” Bjarnason said the food bank welcomes food drives but funding drives “are the new rage.”
“Our purchasing power is more significant,” she explained. “Every dollar donated translates to one meal, so we can purchase more and send it further.
“People are always hungry and there’s never enough money.”
The Piston Pushers got rolling in 1954 after many of its original members were involved in drag racing at a former airstrip in Cayuga. “Long before I was a member here, I used to come out on Friday nights and drag race with these guys on the Townline Road,” said Piston Pushers president Brian Bowerman. “I had a 1953 Pontiac two-door hardtop with a small block Chevy V-8. It was hopped up pretty good for its time.”
Bowerman said he was about 17 or 18 years old at the time. “It was a different time, and you could get away with things,” he observed. “It wasn’t the right thing for us to be doing, but we did it. Nobody got hurt.”
The club’s racing history is now in the rear-view mirror as its focus has shifted gears.
Along with car shows, cruises, movie nights and other social activities, the club provides trophies each year at the annual soap box derby races, given to the boy and girl that were deemed to have the most involvement in building their cars.
Bowerman said there is a “regimented entry into the club. “We have a probationary year for new members,” he said. “Then the club votes after looking at how much involvement they’ve had in (club activities) because otherwise, everything will die. It would be a shame to see the club diminish. “We don’t even require that you have a car, as long as you’re a car guy,” he said. “The club used to have their own shop (on Colborne Street, just east of Cainsville). But now if we have certain things to do, everyone jumps and gives you a hand.”
Longtime member Pat Giles said the expertise of members spans many aspects, including bodywork, paint, customizing and upholstery work. “It’s like one big family. That’s why I joined. It’s a fun club.”
To find out more about its activities, visit the club’s website: pistonpushers.com
1st Annual St George Dowtown Car Show
Sunday, June 26th
Photos By Brian Moore
Smokey Hollow Car Show
Saturday, July 2nd
Photos By Brian Moore
Roll By for Lyle Farquhar
Sunday, July 10th
Photos By Brian Moore
Roll By for Cathy Burke/Bialas Celebration of Life
Sunday, July 24th
Photos By Brian Moore
Piston Pushers Host Coasters Meet & Greet @ Brant Park
Monday, August 1st
Photos by Ray Smith
Roll By For Vera Palmer
Saturday, August 13th
Photos by Brian Moore
Piston Pusher Family Picnic
Sunday, August 28th
Photos By Ray Smith
66th Annual Brantford BDLC Soap Box Derby
Monday, September 5th
Photos By Ray Smith
BBQ With The RodMasters Car Club
Saturday, October 1st
Photos By Brian Moore
Waterford Pumpkinfest Parade
Saturday, October 15th
Photos By Ray Smith
Waterford Pumpkinfest Car Show
Sunday, August 28th
Photos By Ray Smith & Brian Moore
Shop Talk Saturday's @ Al Nutbrown's
November 19th
Photos By Ray Smith
Annual Piston Pusher Christmas Supper
December 7th
Photos By Drew Finucane
Brantford Pushers 2022 Year in review
by Brian Bowerman
Here’s hoping that 2023 is going to be a good year Covid and and all the various strains of this disease have changed the way we do many things that used to be normal. The club since the beginning of the year has tried to get back to some type of normality with getting back to regular meetings, roll byes, some overnight events and sharing our struggles on how each of us managed our life’s during two years of lockdowns and in general trying to stay safe.
Starting up with club meetings has created some challenges particularly with meals, as the Polish Hall like so many businesses has had difficulties with the cooking staff, non existing, during the pandemic like so many businesses, staff either found other jobs or decided it was time to retire. Same with a few club members, we have lost a few of our older members unfortunately due to passing or just deciding it was time to retire from the club, I certainly want to thank and say I understand decisions that were made as we restarted, not surprising or unusual, other members found other activities to fill their time, I certainly hope we can get back to all the club events enjoyed in the past years. Your Executive I believe certainly stepped up when it came to the dinners since the Hall was unable to supply meals. They delivered a varied menu each meeting, enjoyed by all.
Our Social Committee have worked tirelessly in putting our club picnic together this past summer, the club also participated in a picnic at Brant park where we joined a number of the car club members from Newfoundland and various members from other Provinces. The club also participated in the first of what will be the annual (Ontario’ South Coast Dream Drive) . We had a terrific group of club members participate, followed by a picnic in the park in Fort Erie. It was great to see us involved in the annual Soap Box Derby the first in two years, the club always presents a girl and a boy with a trophy for having the most to do with the building of there cart not necessarily for winning, we had a few garage talks early on in the spring as well as one in the fall.
Your executive was voted on in October ( Brian Bowerman President, Don Lickers Vice President, Jim Thomson Treasurer, Ron Morley Sergeant at arms, Brent Winchester secretary. The club also added six new members this year after their probation period was completed, welcome gentleman. Both Ken Breau and Ken Nuttal stepped down from their roles as Vice President and Secretary due to personal reasons, Both will remain club members, thanks to both for their years of service to the club.
It was unfortunate that the Polish Hall was unable to facilitate our Christmas party but again the Social Committee put together a great venue at a new location at the Best Western, I believe most everyone had a great time and an excellent meal. It was so good to see the many faces of so many club members, along with their wife’s or significant others, what a great way to end a year of much uncertainty. I personally want to thank everyone for their continued support
with regards and best wishes for the New Year, Brian Bowerman