2020 Piston Pusher Events
Click on links to go to events posted on our Facebook page
Facebook page managed by Denis Jacob * Photos by Denis Jacob, Louis-Philippe
Photos by Ray Smith
Because of the continued threat of the Covid-19 virus, and restrictions
and closures in place by the Ontario Government beginning in March, All events originally scheduled for the year were cancelled, one by one.
Motorama Car Show,Toronto, March 13th to 15th
Photos by Highway 11 Cruisers C.C. & Brian Moore
Some of the other participants
Electric Powered Classic Mustang
The Future Of Hot- Rodding - we will see
April 26/2020
Presidents Remarks
“Gentlemen, hope all is well with family and friends.”
With the government requirements still in place until at least May 16th obviously we will not be able to hold our regular meeting that would have been on May 6th. Even though we are not having meetings I will be sending out a monthly letter to try and keep everyone in the loop of what is happening with regards to club events and club members. I would like to commend the way our members are keeping in touch with each other, keeping close tabs on both families and club members. This certainly is a very trying and difficult time for all. I would certainly hope and advice that those that feel they require assistance in any way would reach out to myself or any of our fellow club members, we need to and will be there for each other at this time.
If you have been looking at the club web site from time to time you will see that pretty much all the planned calendar extra curricular events have been cancelled, thank you Brian Moore for your attention to this, and the Social Committee for keeping Brian up to date as changes arise.
I want to thank the club members for remembering that the food bank, even though we are not meeting, still require our assistance. The April pick-up of food bank items was in excess of 200 lbs., as well as some cash donations, they were more than overwhelmed when Ron Morley dropped the items off. They are very impressed with the club, again thanks to all, I know it is difficult to get to the grocery stores at this time. We will be making another Food Bank Run for May. Ron Morley will be sending out a note with regards to timing.
Walt Westbrook has been under the weather so please keep Walt in your thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery.
As usual please, if you hear of any members or family members under the weather please contact me so I can follow up.
The most recent Old Autos had included pictures of three of our club members rides at the Toronto Car Show, Charlie Haviland’s “Charlie Horse” (Thanks to Scott Haviland for showing the car in memory of his Dad), Bill Beaven’s ‘48 Ford Pick up, and Brent Winchester’s ‘46 Hudson Commodore, Congratulations guys. In addition to the number of awards won at the recent Toronto Car Show one was missed by the judges and given this week to Vince Brennen as the Best in Class 50’s Street Machine, Congratulations.
Jim Harris: Please don’t think that the roster booklet has taken a back seat, since many businesses are either closed or at best are short staffed, it has had some effect as to when we will have the booklet completed. As you may be aware the Remember When Annual Event has been cancelled for this year, fortunately Jim Harris has been watching carefully to see what events and their dates are or have been cancelled, the committee as a whole discussed and made the decision to cancel the event. The dash plaques and t-shirts had not been ordered, the only items we have are the two refrigerators and they will carry over to next year, Jim Harris will contact Old Autos to have the event cancelled. We are still hoping that if things open a little later in the year, we will look at having a club cruise event of some type. Many have asked about getting together with just a car cruise keeping our distance and staying in our cars. Although this sounds like a great idea the issue remains about availability of washrooms, as there are no facilities or restaurants open to allow us entry for that purpose.
Jim Thomson: has sent out the financials so if you have not received or seen them please drop me a line or call me. Jim also informed me that the cheques for those individuals that paid for trailers to transport their cars to the Toronto show will be in the mail very soon.
Ken Nuttal Vice President; Ken would like to pass along the hope that everyone is doing well since the Virus and Pandemic lock down (Please stay Safe)
Very best regards and please stay safe, your club president,
Brian Bowerman