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Rolling Cruise To Neustadt
by Duke Snyder

(Pics #1-2-3) On June 8, 2014 a great group of approximately 65, made up of members, wives and friends met at Tim's at the junction of #24 & #5 and got their route instructions for the cruise, while two of our newest members, Ken Breau and Vince Brennan, decked out in their new 60th Anniversary shirts compared notes.

(Pic # 4 & 5) shows an array of our 32 rides and the group getting ready to proceed on the journey.

( Pics #6 & 7)show us re-grouping at Home Depot in Cambridge where Mark & Mike from London joined us for the 147 kms. journey.
After a real nice ride north, by-passing Guelph, and traveling in a convoy thru Elora, Alma, Rothsay, Teviotdale, Harriston and Clifford where our contingent sure drew many looks, we were on our last leg of the trip to Neustadt.

After arriving and proceeding right thru town we ascended to the top of the hill and (Pics #8-9-10-11) show our group and cars filling in the parking lot and entering the TOP END Restaurant and Tavern for lunch.

(Pics #12-13-14-15) are of us inside getting seated and almost filling the place as we looked over the menus and waited for the staff to take our orders.

(Pics #16-17-18) are of the fast finishers out in the parking lot with our cars and waiting for the rest of the group.
(Pic #19) shows our next stop back down on the main street at our destination - the NEUSTADT SPRINGS BREWERY LTD.

(Pic #20) We were being seated inside where we met our hosts.
(Pic #21) Andrew and Val Stimpson the owners.

They explained how they emigrated to Ontario in 1995 from Wales and set up their own microbrewery in the old abandoned Crystal Springs Brewery in Neustadt. After almost 10 months of intense renovations to this historic stone brewery including installing sewage, hydro and all brewing tanks and equipment, they opened two days before Christmas in 1997 and sold out the first historic batch of beer from the brewery in 82 years. It sold out within 5 hours. (Pic #22) shows some of our group waiting as they broke us up in two bunches and the 1st bunch is leaving (Pic #23) to start the tour. (Pic #24) shows our tour guide explaining the manufacturing process to our attentive group (Pic #25)

He explained that they first made beer in bottles (Pic #26) but switched to cans, (Pic #27) as this way it stays better longer.
(Pic #28) shows the very popular brand 10W30 in a 473 ml can as he explained the capping process.

In (Pic #29) he then took us into the caverns under the brewery where he explained how these caverns were built by the original HEUTHER'S family in 1859. They were built over one of the finest sources of spring water in Canada.
Our group (Pic #30) equipped with lanterns could feel how cool and damp it was down there. This is also reputed to being the oldest operating original brewery building in Ontario.

(Pics #31 & 32) is of one of the old chandelier lights in the cavern which has now been wired to have a bit of lighting to show the old original wooden kegs which were used in days gone by.

(Pic #33) is of our group exploring the caverns with their lanterns.
(Pics #34 & 35) is of our group passing the next tour in the halls.

The walls (Pic #36) were adorned with historic pictures from the past.
(Pic #37) We are back in a tasting room where we were allowed to sample their products.
(Pic #38) shows Val explaining the ingredients they use while we tried the different samples.

(Pic #39) The consensus of our "Car Guy" group was that 10W30, a malty grain, Premium Dark Ale was their favourite and many of us returned home with some of it.

(Pic #40) Our second choice was Neustadt Lager.
A very interesting drive in the country as well as an interesting tour. Thanks to Chris Nemeth and Doug Graham!
Check out their website:
6th Annual Remember When Cruise
By Duke Snyder

Photos By Kenny Kroeker

As the sun started to set it was evident that our REMEMBER WHEN CRUISE was beginning to come to a close as indicated in the above 9 pictures taken by Kenny Kroeker of the relatively new "LUG NUTS" magazine.

These beautiful pics show a very large crowd was there and it was made up of a myriad of beautiful rides. Included on display was a well known Dragster as well as a Sprint Car from Oshweken, some different Classics and Rat Rods, as well as Ken Breau's Firebird which put on quite a display of Flame Throwing for those in attendance at dusk.

Actually the event had started at 4.30 pm with the registration tables ready at Tim Horton's (Pic#1), Dairy Queen (Pic#2) and A&W (Pic#3)

The crowds started to gather and cars were arriving in numbers (Pics #4-#5-#6)..... every location (Pics#7-#8-#9)

Activity was starting on the streets between the three locations (Pics #10- #11-#12)

Pic#13) A special Guest -"The Flying Nun" is greeting a local Hippie
-while in (Pic#14) she was greeted by a special spectator "Rockin Ray Michaels" of CKOC Radio in Hamilton.
(Pic#15) shows the girls of A&W greeting customers with big smiles and ready to serve.

More and more cars started to fill the lots at all three locations (Pics#16- #17)
As darkness arrived, the crowd started to gather at A&W (Pic#18)

The customized Bar Fridges were on display. (Pic# 19)
Our courier Rob Maloney arrived (Pic#20) with all the cards from other locations.

Jim Harris, Chairman of REMEMBER WHEN committee and his crew tabulated the results (Pic#21)

And the winners were (Pic#22) Winston Goold, Brantford, ON and (Pic#23) Larry Cuthbert, St. George ON

The Long Distance Award went to Dave & Kathy Wilson of Lion's Head ON. (Pic#24) pictured here.
(Pic#25) Our DJ Ken Chaplin of London thanked the crowd and got a huge Thank You for the great music he played.
(Pic#26) shows a sample of the smiles on the faces of those in attendance for another great "Remember When" festivity.
Clair Hills Classic Car Show
Photos By 'Jennie Wiebe Photography'

Cruise To Tim Horton's Ononadaga Farm 2014
by Duke Snyder
There were two visits to Tim Horton's ONONDAGA FARM by our club this past summer. One, (a rainy night in July), and a second in August is the only one covered by this article.

There were LAMBS (Pic#1) -and COLTS (Pic#2) --also OWLS (Pic#3), --and FILLIES (Pic#4) as well as SWANS (Pic#5) which made up our group of PISTON PUSHERS & friends during our gathering for coffee and cookies after our showing of our rides at the camp.

(Pic#6) shows the 24 cars arriving and parking on the left (Pic#7) and right (Pic#8) of the large soccer and recreational field of the beautiful grounds.

Once in place (Pic#9) - we were ready for the arrival of the campers (Pic#10)

(Pics#11 & #12) shows as they started to explore our rides and pick their favourite

Some wanted to sit inside as shown here in Ron Morley's Shelby Cobra (Pic#13)
(Pic#14) shows some just looking at this different Rat Rod.
Others wanted to sit in Ken Crabb's '55 Convertible (Pic#15)

-while others explored the older rides like Doug Woodley's '29 and Murray Smith's '33 (Pic#16)

Some wanted their picture (Pic#17) taken by their pick
(Pic#18) shows Doug Graham answering questions

- and getting a big thumbs up (Pic #19) from his beautiful '64 Chev.
(Pic#20) Several took turns behind steering wheels,

-and then there were horn honkers as in Dennis Battigelli's '46 (Pic#21)

(Pics#22 & #23) show some of our large group enjoying the festivities and sun on a great night!
Thanks are certainly in order to all who attended!
Cruise To Norwalk

Why Not Join Us Next Year - July 17th to July 19th - See July Events Calandar
or Contact Jim Harris
ELTA Summer Bash

ELTA on Facebook

What A Wonderful Night!
by Duke Snyder

(Pic#1) What A Wonderful Night! Event Ticket (Pic#2) The hall was decorated, (Pic#3) Jim Mills & Larry Rook are standing in front of a table with merchandise for sale.

(Pics#4-5-6-7-8) shows Piston Pushers, wives and friends who have arrived and getting seated at their tables.
(Pic#9) shows the men making their way to the bar, mostly in their nice new anniversary black shirts.

In (Pic#10) some of the ladies are greeting one another.
(Pic#11) is of the centerpiece on the tables which would be given away later that night.
(Pics#12-13-14) People smiling as they introduce themselves around the tables.

(Pic#15) Some standing up, (Pic#16) while others are seated.
The next four (Pic#'s17-18-19-20) show heavy discussions about the grand buffet including turkey, beef and all the trimmings which had just been finished and was excellent.

President Dan Bratina then made a presentation (Pic#'s21 &22) to the club's 1st President Don Douglas. It was a framed original of the art work showing Don in his Dragster at the opening of "The Launch" of Dragway Park in Cayuga.

Next was an auction by member Chris Nemeth of the #1 copy of the same poster,( Pics#'s23 &24) Assisting Chris was the lovely Sarah Ann.

(Pic#25) gives another shot of people enjoying themselves.

We managed to get the Original Members in attendance (Pic# 26) and others from out of town together for a great picture. They are left to right Wayne Moyer, Don Douglas, Chas Haviland, Tom Drummond, Don Fedak, Ed Chorniak, Larry Rook, Jim Rutyna, Dave Bailey, and Doug Woodley.
(Wayne Moyer and Dave Bailey are Associate Members from out of town) It was great to have 8 of the 14 Original Members there!

Then the dance started (Pics#'s 27-28-29-30-31) There was a lot of different jive styles and be-boppin' out on the floor and the rest of the crowd was certainly watching.

(Pic#32) Our London contingent was smiling

While in (Pics#'s 33-34-35-36) the old and new alike were enjoying the festivities

Then slower dancing (Pic# 37 &38) seemed to help fill the floor for the rest of the night.
Thanks are surely in order to these guys (Pic#39) many of whom started the club and carried on the 60 years of fun so far.

And (Pic#40) is of a nice tribute to a great guy who was not only our initial President but instrumental in bringing the 1st Christmas Tree to Ontario (as shown in the artwork) which certainly indicates " Drag Racing is in Our Blood"
Piston Pusher 60th Anniversay Car Show
by Duke Snyder

When We Reached This Plateau...
... We Decided To Have A Big ...

And the aerial shots (Pics# 3-4-5-6) show we succeeded. Just look at the number of cars and trailers!

On the ground it shows (Pics# 7-8-9-10) we got a nice assortment of Rods.

And you can certainly see (Pics# 11-12-13-14) a stunning array of Customs.

But look at the Pick-Ups (Pics# 15-16-17-18) WOW!

And some beautiful convertibles (Pic#19),a gorgeous'49 Caddy, (Pic#20), a total redone '55 Chev, (pic#21) a Classic Chrysler, and what about this (Pic#22) eye catching Custom?

Then there was the VW Group (Pic#25), with one of them (Pic#26) showing a weird Hot Dog!

(Pic#23) shows a pair of nice '34's,-- chasing their male Greyhounds in (Pic#24)

(Pics#27-28-29-30) are of four very nice Rat Rods.

While here are some outstanding Coupes (Pics# 31-32-33-34)

There was even a bright green Woodie ( Pic#35),

Some nicely finished kids cars ( Pic#36)
And even (Pic#37) Michigan Bob's '41 Sedan Delivery.
(Pic#38) shows Dennis Wilson and his Nostalgic Hemi powered, push button dragster, which is now well known...

...for performing a famous marshmallow toast, (Pic#39) at this years E.L.T.A. Bash in London. Look at Dennis smiling.
(Pic#40) shows our club's own Shawn Dunford's rail job,
as well as (Pic#41) Dan McWhirter's,

And Scott Haviland's, (Pic#42). Scott & Shawn are comparing notes.
They are a new breed since our Charley Haviland's (Pic#43) Famous CHARLEY HORSE, pictured here.
These along with Vince Brennan's (Pic#44) wild '68 Camaro

and the fact that Mike Roi has been running Bill Heisler's (Pic# 45) Willys, - "Gone Bananas" coupe, nearly all summer,...
...proves the statement on the door of our trailer (Pic#46) is true! "Drag Racing Is In Our Blood"
Along with Mark McMullen's Mustang (Pic#47)

Tom "Pappy" Ricard's Maverick (Pic#48),
and (Pic#49) Kim Brusher's '55 Chev, from Amherstburg, ON, this completed a great display!
(Pics#50 &51) The concessions were very busy,

so was the prize table (Pic#52),

The 50/50 table (Pic#53), and the merchandise table was ready, and sold out of event T's early (Pic# 54)

(Pics#55 & #56) Ken Holmes of the RODMASTERS CAR CLUB presents President Dan Bratina with a plaque congratulating us on our 60th Anniversary.

Then it was time to have group photos (Pics# 57-58-59)) taken of our club members who all pitched in to make this a most memorable event.

CHCH-TV were on site (Pics# 60-61-62) covering our day. The video is here on our website. Why not take a look?
Piston Pushers Celebtate 60th With Car Show

Many thanks to all for a great event!
Kalamazoo Michigan, Sept. 12-14, 2014
by Duke Snyder
A very spirited group of 16 left Brantford bound for Kalamazoo Michigan last September and after a great drive across Michigan led by our Vince Brennan, suddenly came to a stop along the highway not far from our destination of Grand Rapids where we were to stay at our hotel. (Pic#1) shows us all lined up behind Vinny's beautiful Chevelle, which apparently had lost its gear linkage.

(Pics#2 & #3) show Vince investigating underneath the car and then he and Chris Lovey hooking it back up while
( Pic#4) shows the rest of our contingent waiting behind.

(Pic#5) With the needed repairs done, our group congratulated Vince and we were back on the road to our resting place.

(Pics #6-7-8) show our hungry bunch at APPLEBY'S in Grand Rapids getting ready to order a well deserved meal before bunking down for the night.